Pen the Next Bestseller Where J.K. Rowling Transformed Coffee into Magic. Write in Edinburgh!

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Edinburgh Book Retreat pics
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Are you still sitting on that book idea, staring at your neighbourhood Starbucks and pretending it's Edinburgh?

Throw those lame excuses into the nearest loch and join me in Edinburgh, where even the cobblestones could school you in storytelling. This isn’t just a city; it’s a friggin’ narrative nirvana where J.K. Rowling turned caffeine into “Harry Potter.” Still think your local coffee shop can compete?

Pack your bags because we’re not just going on any retreat—we’re time-travelling to a city dripping with more history and drama than your entire Netflix queue. Walk the shadowy paths that Robert Louis Stevenson wandered, pen thrilling tales in the same haunts where literary legends conjured worlds, and listen to ghost stories that make “Goosebumps” look like bedtime tales for toddlers.

Here's the deal:

Our Create-cation offers luxury digs where you can write in style (goodbye, cramped coffee shops), endless inspiration from Edinburgh’s eerie elegance (hello, haunted writing prompts), and all the Scotch you can sip while scribbling. Come July, you could be firing up your laptop in the world’s premier UNESCO City of Literature, or you could be at home, regretting you didn’t join. Your call, future bestseller.

Ready to swap your stale view for something spellbinding? Grab one of the last 4 spots, and let’s make some literary magic! Edinburgh’s epic tales aren’t just history—they’re your next chapter.

Catch you in the castle’s shadow!

10 Savage Reasons To Write With Me In Edinburgh, Scotland:

  • Because "writer's block" is illegal in Scotland.
    Seriously, they’ll toss you in the Loch for it. Write that book or its kilt-wearing monsters for you!
  • Edinburgh's weather forces you indoors
    You can’t go sightseeing in the rain, so you might as well write a novel.
  • Where else can you get inspiration from a castle, a pint, and a ghost all in the same day?
    That’s a normal Tuesday here.
  • If J.K. Rowling could turn a café napkin into wizard billions, imagine what a whole retreat could do for you?
    I might even throw in a free napkin.
  • You'll be writing in the only city that could make Gothic literature look like beach reads
    Yeah, it’s that atmospheric.
  • Here, you can blame any typos on scotch fumes
    Not your questionable grammar skills.
  • You need a really, really good excuse to wear that tweed writer’s jacket you bought
    “I’m writing in Edinburgh” justifies any fashion choice.
  • You can claim you’re doing "field research" at pubs
    It’s for character development, obviously.
  • Every time you hit writer's block, a bagpiper will magically appear to scare it away
    Or scare something away, anyway.
  • Because let’s face it: telling people you wrote your book in Edinburgh sounds wildly more impressive than, "I typed it up in my living room while wearing pyjamas."

Pack your bags, grab your notepad, and let’s turn those Edinburgh-inspired musings into your next bestseller – or at least get a really good story out of trying!

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Our Createcation Schedule:

Thurs PM – Arrival & Creative Opening
Fri – Storytelling Workshops, Writing Frameworks & Strategy
Sat – Writing Time & 1:1 Sessions
Sun AM – Publishing & Marketing Workshop & Lunchtime Departure

What You’ll Get: