Buckle up!

I'm about to jet off with you to Christchurch, New Zealand!

New Zealand Book Retreat

Imagine yourself, pie in one hand, pint in the other, scribbling away...

Christchurch is a city that’s not just a city but a living, breathing story. It’s a place where resilience and rebirth are etched into every cracked pavement and rebuilt facade. Here, you’re not just a writer; you’re a storyteller in a narrative playground with the best toys at your disposal.

This November, let the crisp air of the Southern Alps slap some sense into your writer’s block and let the laid-back beach vibes oil the cogs of your creativity.

So, are you ready to trade your dull desk for an epic New Zealand skyline?

Grab one of the ONLY four spots left (because crowd control is the new black) and ensure your writing journey is anything but ordinary.

Join me in Christchurch, where your epic tale awaits—because, let’s face it, every great story deserves a setting that’s not your living room.

Can’t wait to see you there, writing in the shadow of adventures!

P.S. – Miss out, and you’re left just with your cat and that blinking cursor. But no pressure.

10 Savagely Funny Reasons to Get Your Butt & Laptop to New Zealand with me:

  • Because Your Current View is Probably a Wall
    Ditch the sad desk scenery and upgrade to epic New Zealand landscapes. Your creativity deserves more than just staring at a “Hang in there” cat poster.
  • Avoid the In-Laws
    Come to Christchurch and say you’re off the grid, writing a masterpiece. It’s the perfect excuse to miss awkward family dinners.
  • Pavement Inspiration
    Where else can you literally trip over inspiration? Here. Or, a Hobbit hole.
  • Proximity to Sheep is Proven to Boost Creativity
    Okay, not proven, but they’re fluffy and adorable, and you can pretend you’re counting them while brainstorming plot twists.
  • Embrace the Caffeine Culture
    Fuel your writing with quality coffee that hasn’t been through an office brewer 12 times today. New Zealand’s café scene might spark your next chapter (or at least keep you awake).
  • Moodier Than Your Protagonist
    Perfect for setting the tone of your novel. Plus, nothing says “writing weather” like a good foggy day.
  • Epic Flora and Fauna
    Get inspired by local wildlife. Nothing screams ‘plot device’ like a curious kea dismantling your rental car while you find the deeper meaning in your hero’s journey.
  • Outrun Writer’s Block
    Literally. With landscapes this stunning, a quick jog (or panicked sprint from Orcs) could be just what you need to clear your head.
  • Because Hobbits
    If tiny creatures with hairy feet can go on epic adventures here, imagine what epic narratives you can pen. Bonus: You can always claim a hobbit helped you with writer’s block.
  • Say You Wrote a Book in Middle-earth
    Because “I wrote my book in New Jersey” doesn’t have the same ring to it.

Pack your bags, grab your notebook, and let’s get mythical in Christchurch! Just think of the stories you’ll tell—about the book and the adventure of writing it.

Our Createcation Schedule:

Thurs PM – Arrival & Creative Opening
Fri – Storytelling Workshops, Writing Frameworks & Strategy
Sat – Writing Time & 1:1 Sessions
Sun AM – Publishing & Marketing Workshop & Lunchtime Departure

What You’ll Get: