Make Copy Your B*tch!

Marketing made simpleā€¦
in 5-minutes a week!

The surefire way to turn marketing your badass business from chore to delight in minutes each week.

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Book Writing Coach
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Tired of staring at a blank page waiting for inspiration that never comes?
Ready to conjure marketing magic with the wave of a keyboard?

Your spellbook of success awaits!

Behold "Make Copy Your B*tch!"

The enchanting journey from copy chore to word wizardry. Embrace the magic, make your mark, and summon the sales you’ve been dreaming of!

Unleash your inner Word Magician with Make Copy Your B*tch commandments:


Thou shalt captivate, not bore – because yawn-worthy copy belongs in a museum.


Thou shalt grab attention like a rockstar crashing a red carpet.


Thou shalt be as unforgettable as a first love – minus the drama.

No more excuses! Bid farewell to lacklustre sales pages, feeble email funnels, and crystal-collecting distractions (altho youā€™ll have even more time for crystalsā€¦ promise!). Embrace the magicā€”your crystal ball (*ahem* me) predicts success!

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marketing magic powers

Meet your unicorn copy coach

Hey, Iā€™m Crystal!

A word magician, a copywriter, a NYTimes bestselling ghostwriter, and an all-around badass book coach. Crystal sprinkles her word magic on your business and watch those numbers soar! Every week, she’ll whisk you away on a short, sassy, and straight-to-the-point email adventure.

Let's cut the fluff, shall we?

This is your ticket to marketing success, no-nonsense style. Your personal marketing mentor is just an email away, ready to guide you through the magical world of copy.

This is a less-talk, more-action experience for coaches, business owners and love-to-launch-lads-and-lasses who crave accountability from a copy coach and marketing strategist (*ahem* thatā€™s me!) to ensure your marketing is pure magic and always on-point.

Thatā€™s it. Marketing doesnā€™t have to be complicated (or even time-consuming). Make Copy Your B*tch! Is your guide to effortless, easy, and FUN marketing that actually converts.

The Magic Unveiled:

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Every Friday, prepare for a dose of copy and marketing wisdom that’s worth its weight in gold. Get ready to line your pockets with magic-induced profits!

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Then Iā€™ve got three simple questions for you. Hit ‘reply’, and let the confetti rain from the heavens (or at least in our imagination). Together, we’ll celebrate your marketing wins!

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And remember – Iā€™ve always got your back. I respond personally, serving up wisdom, wit, and wild advice to ensure your marketing is a smashing success, darling!

Consider this a Magical Marketing Mastermind without wasting time, energy or bandwidth on another Zoom you dread.

We get 98 trillion and 7 emails a day. You scrap, skim or spam most of them out the damn way. This is the one email youā€™re going to want in your cue – starred, saved and celebrated – cause this email makes you money.

Make Copy Your B*tch!...

Youā€™ll be inspired to learn:

Solopreneur or leader of the pack

We all need new fresh ideas, a sassy copywriting Yoda to nudge in the right direction and a writing cheerleader (whoā€™s actually a multiple NYT bestselling ghostwriter!) to elevate our offers along the wayā€¦

Now you do. In your inbox. Weekly. For a whole year.

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ā€œThis is the best decision I couldā€™ve made for my marketing.ā€

– You, a year from now.

Make Copy Your B*tch!

Guiding you to market your magic like never before

What it won’t do:

This is where you finally stop saying ā€œI suck at writingā€ and instead realize ā€œI just needed a coach to show me how to writeā€. Better. Faster. Easier.

With every (short) email youā€™ll strengthen your copy skills and find the joy in posting to social, sending emails and creating offers that sizzle and sell.

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Marketing Magic isnā€™t for you if: