fall in love... with your copy


Find joy in writing copy - knowing what to say and how to say it (without sounding like an AI robot). You feel me?

Content Curators is a TWICE MONTHLY Copy Advisory Sesh with yours truly to workshop your very own copy and whip it into Word Magic.

WM_Brand Mark_Sparkle_White on Transparent
WM_Brand Mark_Sparkle_White on Transparent
book writing coach

My hair’s so big because it holds so many secrets...

For Real!

I’ve spent decades writing copy that didn’t convert, kinda converted, and then finally converted like a bullet train.

See, good copy isn’t hard... but great copy?
Takes a lot of practice.

What can I say? When you’re on 🔥 you just gotta get it out!

What I spent a major part of my lifetime developing, the science meets spirituality of crafting copy or Quantum Copy Method inside my membership-driven program Content Curators.

Twice a month you’ll learn by actually workshopping your copy with me and whipping it into shape. Learn the tools to refine, edit, and create powerful copy yourself!

Once and for all, I am swinging the doors wide on the topics nobody talks about but make all the difference in how you write, what you write and more importantly, how that writing actually converts into real clients.

Nobody wants to read 💩 copy

So, I’m launching something I NEVER thought I would practically give away.

My wisdom. My wildly powerful copy wisdom. It’s all yours.

Together, we’ll make sure that your copy connects and converts like you always dreamed.

Whatever your story is, the way you tell it makes all the difference.

Crystal writer

Here’s the skinny-dip version of what you’ll get:

And, because I loooooooove a Bonus…

But, I’m straight up a weeeeeee bit over the top

(so my Momma tells me and a research poll agreed), so you should also expect:

Oh, and cause I can:

I could charge THOUSANDS for this knowledge..…

But what good is access to this level of Word Magic if you aren’t going to do something amazingly awesome with it?!?

$149 USD

$99 USD

per month

cancel anytime

$1500 USD

$997 USD

per year

paid in full

That’s it!

It’s cost me hundreds of thousands of hours (and 💰) to learn all of this and to develop my Quantum Copy Method that converts, connects and creates conversation with captivating consistency…

… and I am bringing it to you for less than the cost of a seriously cuuuuuuute set of false lashes (my absolute MUST HAVE in life).

Some of the brain-busting tools I’ll actually be teaching you:

quantum copy method

the 5 principles of writing copy that blend neuroscience with spirit for irresistible Word Magic.

Intimately understand your PEOPLE

with Belief Bubble psychology.


ethical copy practices that make $$$ sexy!


discover the Hierarchy of Sales Messaging.


Pleasure Principles your clients can't resist.


Love Letters that attract & sell better than Ryan Reynolds (swoon!).

And so much freaking more!

Always, get a second opinion:

Still not convinced?

You rockstar, you!

I want to blow your mind every single day with copy that actually works. No more guessing if your content is killer or if your hook is strong. No more weak as* CTA’s.

Content Curators are twice monthly & fully recorded in case you need to rewind the tape or catch the repeat. And, if you need help between sessions – hop into the private FB group and ask away. 

Plus, you always have access to the video training library filled with replays, bonus trainings & templates to make your copy writing easy.

So here it is...

Now, if you’re still not ready… no sweat.

Maybe you don’t need or want someone to review your copy…

content curators is only for you, if...

Content Curators is Word Magic fairy dust for your copy... monthly!

so, Are you in?

$149 USD

$99 USD

per month

cancel anytime

$1500 USD

$997 USD

per year

paid in full