Content Curators: Inside Scoop

Content Curators

Copy doesn’t always come easy to people. In fact, in recent studies, it’s been shown that copywriting is one of the most effective tools we have for marketing and the one most of us don’t learn or master.

Quantum Copy Word Magic for the Moon Maven, Kady Romanguolo

Spiritual copywriting

Using Quantum Copy Method, I worked with Kady to recognize the alignment inside of herself and within her clients in claiming this title and owning it. Once she did – magic took over and kablam! Her Coaching shifted into ultra-high gear.

Words Have Energy… And I Can Prove It

Words have energy

I was always taught that everything around us has energy – the plants, the table, my laptop, the book, myself. We’re all made of energy and at every single moment we have a vibrational frequency that makes us attractive to some things and repellent to others.